Code of Conduct

At OCG we believe that all students have the right to learn in an environment free from discrimination or harassment. Everyone connected with OCG is expected to treat all others with respect and courtesy and to respect and protect the school property.

Each student is responsible for his/her actions at all times and is expected to conduct themselves in the classroom and on the campus in a manner that does not disrupt the learning process. Students should not bother or distract others, including walking around the classroom, talking unnecessarily, or using improper language. Students should not bring inappropriate things to school including dangerous or expensive items. Cell phones are not allowed to be used in the class without a teacher’s permission.

Disciplinary problems and/or disorderly conduct may result in a student being removed, suspended or expelled from school.

Withdrawal Policy

We strive to create a positive environment for students to become lifelong learners of Japanese. However, we understand that there are situations in which students may need to withdraw from the school.

To withdraw from the school, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact the student’s teacher and communicate that you wish to withdraw from OCG. The teacher will discuss withdrawal, and provide a link to a withdrawal form.
  2. Complete the withdrawal form.
  3. You will be contacted by a member of the Registration team to confirm your withdrawal from OCG.
    • Withdrawals will be formally processed on the last day of the month in which the withdrawal form is received (e.g. a student who submits a withdrawal form on March 10 will be withdrawn from the school on March 31).
    • Tuition payments are charged monthly and will stop the following month that the withdrawal takes place (e.g. if a withdrawal form is submitted on March 10, tuition will not be charged beginning in April).

If a student who has withdrawn from the school decides to re-enroll at a future date, they will be regarded as a new student, and any “new student” fees will apply to re-register the student for classes.